Category: Asanas

Neti Cleansing

Many students asked me how to clean the nose by neti, they know it’s really good for removing mucus, pollution from outside. Maintain good health of ears, eyes and throat. Jata Neti 1. Prepare...

King Pegion Pose :Kapotasana

King Pegion Pose :Kapotasana

One more challange pose is called “Kapotasana” or “King Pegion Pose”. This pose proper for practitioners who has already practiced for a while or advance practitioners. It’s not proper for persons who have high...

Halasana: Plough pose

Halasana: Plough pose

Today, i bring the Plough pose for you. It’s really good pose and lot of benefits for clearing constipation and stomach disorder. Reduce fat. Good for inner organs like thyroid, kidney, spleen an…d pancreas....

Legs, shoulders firm with balancing in Downward dog

Shoulders, arms, legs firm with balancing in your downward dog (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana) If you have been practicing the “Downward facining dog” for a while, you might wanna challange your self in...

Train your back muscle &spine by back bending

Train your back muscle &spine by back bending

Train your back muscle and spine with the back bending pose There are different persons…, different body structures in this world, somebody can bend their back in the first time easily but somebody can...

Hand to feet pose (Pada Hastasana)

Hand to feet pose (Pada Hastasana)

   This asana massages and tones the digestive organs, alleviates flatulence , constipation and indigestion. Stimulate and tones spinal nerve. Improve metabolism. The dynamic form of padahastasana also helps to remove excess weight. For...

Cow face Pose (Gomukhasana)

Cow face Pose (Gomukhasana)

Yoga Pose for back pain, you can try one pose per 5-10 breaths., for details , i will explain day by day. For today, i bring the cow face pose or Gomukhasana for you....

Upward Plank

Upward Plank (Purvottanasana) : Release fatigue with upward plank Many people have fatigue problem in whole body, ankle, wrist… from working or yoga practice. Especially the bending forward poses. It might cause the stress...