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Halasana: Plough pose


Today, i bring the Plough pose for you. It’s really good pose and lot of benefits for clearing constipation and stomach disorder. Reduce fat. Good for inner organs like thyroid, kidney, spleen and pancreas. Take care the menstrual disorder and more blood flows to face, the face dazzles and kept young

How to?

  1.  Lie on the carpet and join the legs together.
  2. Raise the legs to an angle of 90 Degree.
  3. Thrust the palms; raise the waist and legs, bending forwards curving the back and resting the legs on the floor above head.
  4. Little by little try to place the big toe on the floor and keep the legs straight.
  5. Balance the whole weight on the shoulder blade, shift both the hands over the head, join the fingers hold the head with it and relax the elbows on the floor.
  6. Move a little forward putting the thumb toes outward.
  7. Remain in that position for 10-15 breaths
  8. Then release the fingers above the head, pressing the pals on the floor taking back the thumb toe gently bring the body and legs to the floor.

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