Category: Asanas

Firm your legs by yoga pose

Who would like to firm your legs, listen to me!!!! do this 3 poses… will get nice legs Downward dog split pose This pose can be done from the downward facing dog and lift...

Fish Pose: Matyasana

Today , we bring the asana that really good for breathing, lungs exercise and chest for your practice. It’s called “Fish pose” : Matyasana. This pose could be done two ways; 1. Lay down...

Palming for eyes relaxation in working day

Palming for eyes relaxation in working day

In our life currently, it’s really pressure us to work in front of computer whole day. Sitting in front of computer long time makes our eyes tire and defective vision. Also, it’s cause of...

Camel Pose : Ushtrasana

Camel Pose : Ushtrasana

Today, we will see the Camel Pose : Ushtrasana. This pose is good for digestive system, reproductive system. It stretches the stomack and intestines, alleviatiing constipation. The backward bend loosen up backache. Also, this...

Butter Fly Pose

Butter Fly Pose

The Butter fly pose or Poorna Titali Asana is really good pose to open your hip joint, release tension from your inner thigh muscles. The pose also remove tiredness due to long hours of...

Tola Padmasana : Scale Pose

Tola Padmasana : Scale Pose

Today, you will know posture which makes you have beautiful hands and shoulders , strong wrist and nice abdomen. It’s called “Scale Pose : Tolasana) This Pose , just sit in Lotus Pose. Cross...

Upward Facing Dog

The upward facing dog pose are lot of benefits for your body, it’s strengthens the spine, arms, wrists. Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen. It’s firms the buttocks. Stimulates abdominal organs and helps...

Chaturanka Pose (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

Chaturanka Pose (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

This pose called Chaturanka in Sansakrit or Four-limbed staff pose in English. It’s helps to make strong hands and shoulders and tones the abdomen. How to? Perform Adho Mukha Svanasana, then Plank Pose. Exhale;...