4th Aug. 2025 – 27th Aug. 2025
Course Details
International Program
Yoga Ananda Chaing Mai
** Certificate is certified by Yoga Alliance USA ** |
Lead Teachers
- Kru Nok (Porntip Tananuchittikul)
ERYT500 (Yoga Alliance USA), More than 2,500 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training experience (Ashtanga, Theraphutic yoga and Advance Hatha Yoga), Arial Yoga, NeuroKinetic Therapy, Pilates Reformer TTC - Kru Menny (Prapaipim Intaleang)
ERYT500 (Yoga Alliance USA), RYT500 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training experience Ashtanga Yoga and Arial Yoga
Guest Teachers
- Kru Ern (Weerakan)
RYT200 Hatha Vinyasa Yoga, Inside Flow Teacher Training and RYT200 Anusaranga Yoga
Course: 200 Hrs Course
- 200 Hrs Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training course (21 Days , weekdays study at studio and including assignment, self study on each Sat during the course) :
- Date of each course : AUG. 2025 as per course date above (Closed SAT, SUN)
- During the break time in the course , the teaching practice in our Yoga Ananda Studio/self study and home assignment time.
- Time : 7.30 AM - 6.30 PM
Venue: Yoga Ananda Chaingmai Studio at Nimman

Lead Teacher
Kru Nok
- Kru Nok is guest teacher of Kaivalya yoga shala ,Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Part of the Yogic Concepts Committee (www.yogicconcepts.com)
- She is the founder and owner of “Yoga Ananda Chiangmai” (200 Hours Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance USA) Room 110, Hillside 3 Condo, Nimmahaemin Road, T. Suthep, A. Muang, Chiangmai and “Yoga Ananda Jing Jai Market” (JJ market branch) to provide personal/ group training class and yoga teacher training program.
- ERYT500 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher,
- More than 1,500 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training at Ashtanga Yoga, Therapheutic Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Arial Yoga ., etc.
- Style of teaching : Asthanga, Vinyasa, Therapy, Rehab , Prenatal& Postnatal Yoga, Kids Yoga, Arial Yoga, Senior Yoga , etc.
- BA (Accounting), 2 Master Degrees – MBA and M-Accounting (Chiangmai University, Thailand)
- 2013: 1 Month Hatha Yoga TTC, VCYC, Banglore, India (Recognized by Karnataka Yoga Association, India)
- 2014: RYT 500 Hrs Ashtanga Yoga TTC, Rishikesh, India. (RYT 500, Accredited by Yoga Alliance USA)
- Teaching experience: Group/Private classes in Thailand and other countries including India, Vietnam, and Indonesia.
- Workshop and group classes: Ashtanga Vinyasa, Vinyasa Flow, Rhythm Yoga, Core Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Kriyas & Shatkarma Practice, Power Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Meditation, etc.
- Private Classes: Advanced Yoga, Beginner Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa and Therapeutic Yoga (General Disease), Kids, Prenatal Yoga, Yoga for Seniors, Private Class for a group of Doctors (yoga for office people), Yoga for addiction or Rehab., etc.
- Personal interest: Ashtanga Vinyasa and Yogic Therapy.
- 2016 Training (April – May 2016): 500 Hrs Therapeutic Yoga Teacher training in Chennai (RYP 500 Yoga Therapy Teacher Certificate) and 300 Hrs Intermediate & Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (300 Hrs Intermediate & Advanced Teacher Certificate) in Asana Andiappan Yoga and research center, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
- 16 – 26 May 2016: Mysore, India: Iyangar yoga, back bending, hip opening, Ashtanga practicing.
- Sep 2016 : Workshop Ashtanga Marathon Series at Yoga Holic, Chiangmai.
- Nov 2016 : Workshop Arm Balance & Backbend with Master Dheeraj (Vashistha Yoga, India) by Yoga Ananda Chiangmai.
- Oct 2016 – Nov 2016 : Arrange the 1st Season of 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Ananda Chiangmai. Lead teacher of the course.

- Jan 2017 : Conduct 4 Workshops at the Kaivalya Yoga Shala, Ahmedabad, India 6-7 Jan 2017.
- Jan 27, 2017 : Ashtanga Workshop in Yoga Ananda Chiangmai.
- Feb 2017 : Technique of teaching skill in Ubud,Bali and Power Vinyasa workshop in Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia
- Feb 2017 : 2nd Season of Yoga Teacher Training in Yoga Ananda Chiangmai
- May 2017 : 2nd Branch Yoga Ananda Jing Jai market Grand Opening
- Sep 2017 : The foundations of Arm balance/inversions at Yoga Ananda Jing Jai Market.
- Feb 2018 : 3rd Season of Yoga Teacher Training in Chiang Mai.
- Aug 2018 : 4th Season of Yoga Teacher Training in Chiang Mai
- Oct 2018 : ERYT500 accredited by Yoga Alliance USA.
- Nov 2018 : Core & Arm Balance Foundation Workshop at Yoga Ananda Jing Jai Market
- Nov 2021 : 30 Hrs Holistic Yoga Teacher Training (Online)
- SEP 2022 : Completed the Pilates Reformer Teacher Training Course, Chu Pilates , Chiang Mai, Thailand
- May 2023 : Completed 200 Hrs Holistic Yoga Flow Online Teacher Training.
- May 2023 – Present : On going 300Hrs Holistic Yoga Teacher Training, 50 Hrs Advance Sequencing ,30 hrs Breath Work Teacher Training, Ayurveda , etc.
- Since 2016 – more than 15 courses lead teacher in Yoga Teacher training. More than 200 yoga teacher students completed study with us.
- 10-11 July 2023 : Conduct the Core/Arm Balance Workshop and Aerial Yoga Workshop at Kaivalya Yoga Shala, Ahmedabad, India.
- 1-28 NOV 2023 : Completed 200Hrs Hatha Yoga Teacher Training plus therapy program in Hatha Yoga Mysore Kendra , Mysore, India.
- JUNE 2024 : NeuroKinetic Therapy Course Level1 and certified Level 1 NKT.
Kru Menny

See her in classes: Hatha, Hatha Vinyasa, Ashtanga (Basic) , Ashtanga Vinyasa (Primary & Secondary Series) , Stretching etc. in Yoga Ananda NIMMAN and JING JAI Market branch.
Kru Menny loves studying finance; baking, sports, learning new things and one day found that the body needs to learn the YOGA as well!
First time she came to join Yoga Class with Kru Nok in Yoga Ananda Chiangmai and found that she needs Yoga for strong body and mind. At first, her spine, legs, hips were really stiff. Practicing YOGA with Kru Nok, her flexibility slowly improved and she felt more strong as well as her mind felt peace and relaxed. Her mind is more positive and she feels herself more patient, calm and focused.
Improvement in her life, made her think that she cannot stop learning YOGA and would like to share good things to others by becoming the Yoga Teacher. She has changed her path of life and finds lot of passion to teach YOGA to all.§ Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Accounting from Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Kru Menny has rich of knowledge in many fields, below are her educations and yoga study:
§ Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Accounting from Chiang Mai University, Thailand
§ Master degree in Science of Finance from Chiangmai University, Thailand.
§ 200 Hrs Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training (200 Hrs YTTC), from Yoga Ananda Chiangmai, Thailand -Feb 2017
§ YACEP registration (Jun 2017)
§ Yoga Fly Instructors Teacher Training. (Jun 2018)
§ Anatomy and Medicine Training. (July 2019)
§ The Intensive Course of Yoga Teacher. (July 2019)
§ 300 Hrs Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training, Nirvana School, Mysore, India (Dec 2019)
§ ERYT500 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher registration (May 2021)
* Online training : HMX fundamentals-Physiology, Harvard Medical school (June 23,2023)
Kru Ern

Ern’s background is related to hotel and hospitality industry. Prior to her career, Ern creative background includes practice yoga, art and pottery. Through the stressful work life of hotelier, she found yoga to be the most beneficially compliment both mentally and physically. Her initial relationship with yoga has peppers throughout her self-practice and group practices. Over the year she has realized that yoga is more than just the practice of asana and has wittiness the power and benefits of consistent practice both on and off mat.
She believes the practice and teaching of yoga allow us to contribute to the greater good by providing us deeper resources of presence, compassion and patience. She also believes that through yoga we have the opportunity to open our hearth and recognize the essence of our being is self-love.
“To embrace each day, live in the present moment and create joy”.
- 200 Hrs Hatha Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training (200 Hrs YTTC) from Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai, Thailand – August 2018
- OCT 2018 – The American Yoga Alliance Inside Flow
- 200 Hrs Anusaranga Teacher Training – December 2019
Bachelor of Business Administration Program with specializaton in Tourism and Hospitality (2012-2016) , Mahidol University International College - Master Degree in Hotel and Hospitality Management (2017-2018) Les Roches, Switzerland
Ph.D.Intergrated Tourism and Hospitality Management (2021- Present) , National Instititute of Development Administration
Kru Ern has been practicing yoga for 8 years and become a yoga teacher through the course of 200 hours YTT at Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai in 2018, under the incomparable teaching of one of her biggest influences Khu Nok. She is known for her Hatha/Vinyasa practice intuitive understanding of body and her creative, and engaging teaching style. Her teaching is fun and creative with great focus on the movement(Asana) along with breath(pranayama).
After completion of 200Hrs Yoga Techer Training with Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai, Kru Ern has been continue studying more about yoga not only asanas as well as meditation and mindfulness practice.
Student qualifications
- Love for Yoga and has been practicing consistently for at least 6 months.
- Students will be responsible to take care their course materials inside and outside of class. All students must be prepared to work hard in the TTC course. 100% participation is required. Emergency situations where students are unable to attend class will be discussed on a case by case basis.
- Student should be in healthy conditions and no serious injury before joining this course.
- English communication must be fair. Kru Nok will translate English to Thai in the classroom.
- Pregnancy at any stage is not allowed to apply for the course.
Who will pass the examination and get 200 Hours YTTC Certificate?
- 100% participation in all classes of 200 Hrs TTC course schedule
- Must pass a practical teaching examination assigned by lead teacher such as pranayama teaching, writing exam and group class teaching exam.
- Create your own examination yoga flow (Hatha yoga or Vinyasa)/ or can be done in Ashtanga Vinyasa “Primary” Series.
- Understand the meaning of “Yoga” and why we are in the Yoga field. Understand how to be a good Yoga Instructor with Ethics.
- Prove to the teacher that you can teach and take care of students with confidence and in a careful manner with different bodies and corrective methods.
What you will get out of this course?
- Learn to be a Yoga Teacher with Kru Nok who has rich knowledge and experienced in teaching in Thailand and other countries.
- Connect with new yoga teacher/friends in course study.
- Learn Yoga Anatomy with Kru NOK and Kru Menny. We apply the anotomy with yoga that you can understand in practical way and apply this knowledge with our students and classes.
- Learn how to make a creative class flow and how to manage the class.
- Hands-on adjustment with Kru NOK and Kru Menny. We will give you all of our knowledge and lifetime consultations.
- 200 Hours Training Handbook
- Lecture Notebook
- 1 T-Shirt or Tank top and 1 towel (from Yoga Ananda Chiangmai).
- Opportunity to work/share learning/teaching practice at the Yoga Ananda Studios in future
Course Syllabus 200 Hrs
** In 200 Hours: Students will gain detailed knowledge in the following areas;
100 Hours Techniques, training and teaching practice
- Asanas, Basic Pranayamas, Kriyas, Mantra Chanting, Meditation and other traditional Yoga techniques.
- Analytical training in how to teach and practice the techniques.
- Guided practice of the techniques themselves.
25 Hours Teaching methodology:
- Learn about communication skills such as group dynamics, time management, establishment of priorities and boundaries.
- Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting the students.
- Teaching styles.
- Qualities of a teacher
20 Hours of Yoga Physiology and Anatomy·
- To learn about human anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.)
- May also include energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, Nadis, etc.).
- Includes both the study of anatomy and physiology along with its application to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc.).
30 Hours of Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers:
- The study of Yoga Philosophy and traditional texts
- Yoga lifestyle, such as the precept of non-violence (ahimsa), and the concepts of dharma and karma.
- Ethics for yoga teachers, such as those involving teacher – student relationships and community
- Understanding the value of teaching yoga as a service and giving service to others (seva)
25 Hours of teaching practice:
- Practice teaching as a lead instructor (does not include assisting, observing or giving feedback)
- Receiving and giving feedback
- Observing others teaching
- Assisting students while someone else is teaching
Other add on in 200 Hrs YTTC course:
- Advance asana practice: Back bending, Arm Balance, Core practice, etc.
- Yoga for therapeutic use
- Basic Ayurveda
- Learn how to be confident in Yoga Class Management.
- Teaching practice in Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai studio in English with hands-on adjustments.
List of Asanas (200 Hrs)
- Surya Namaskara (Original) – 12 Asanas
- Surya Namaskara A
- Surya Namaskara B
- Padanghustana
- Padahastasana
- Trikonasana
- Parivritta Trikonasana
- Utthita Parsvakonasana
- Parivritta Parsvakonasana
- Prasarita Padottanasana A
- Prasarita Padottanasana B
- Prasarita Padottanasana C
- Prasarita Padottanasana D
- Parsvottanasana
- Utthita Hasta Padanghustasana (A,B,C,D)
- Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
- Utkatasana
- Virabhadrasana A
- Virabhadrasana B
- Dandasana
- Paschimottanasana A, B, C
- Purvottanasana
- Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
- Trianga mukhaikapada paschimottanasana
- Janu Shirsasana A
- Janu Shirsasana B
- Janu Shirsanana C
- Marichyasana A
- Marichyasana B
- Marichyasana C
- Marichyasana D
- Navasana
- Bhujapindasana
- Kurmasana
- Supta Kurmasana
- Garba Pindasana
- Kukkutasana
- Baddha Konasana A,B
- Upavista Konasana A
- Upavista Konasana B
- Supta Hasta Padangustasana A,B,C
- Upvista Padangustasana
- Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana
- Setu Bandha Asana (Bride Pose)
- Urdhva Danurasana (Chakrasana)
- Viparita Karani/Sarvangasana
- Halasana
- Karnapidasana
- Urdhva Padmasana
- Pindasana
- Matysasana
- Uttana Padasana
- Sirsasana A,B
- Balasana
- Baddha Padmasana
- Padmasana
- Utplutih (Tolasana)
- Savasana
List of Pranayamas and Breathing Techniques
- Kapalabhati
- Nadi Shodhana
- Ujjayi
- Shitali
- Bastrika
- Sitkari
- Suryabhtdana
- Bramari

Tuition fee 200 Hrs (YTTC)
** To reserve your space 10,000 THB must be paid at the time of registration.
Payment Term | Course 4th – 27th AUG 2025 |
1. Early Bird Price (THB) | 55,000 THB Full payment before 15 JUN 2025 |
2. Standard Price (THB) | 65,000.00 THB Deposit 30,000 THB Full payment before 15 JULY 2025 |
- Deposit money must be paid as tuition fee term for reservation of your spot. The prices mentioned above are fixed and not changeable or no discount will be given.
- All fees paid/deposited are not refundable or transferable in any condition that students wish to withdraw their course or quit. Alternatively they are allowed to carry forward their course to next YTTC only and can be done only 1 time.
- ACCOMMODATION, FOOD (Breakfast, lunch, dinner) and transportation are NOT included in the fee.
- Drinking water, some fruits and snacks will be provide during break time.
- Course is limited for 12 Students only to maintain the purpose of excellent learning and quality delivery.
- If at least 4 students are not enrolled 2 months before course start , the course will be cancelled and all money will be returned back asap in case the course can not be arranged.
- Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai reserves the rights to change the program schedule if necessary without prior notice.
- Any changes/revisions in course details or teachers will be informed to student in this website or Facebook page: Yoga Ananda Chiangmai or by phone call.
- Application form and all information required for registration – kindly submit through our website. The application process is complete only Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai get your application form by email and we reply you to confirm that we accept application. Only transfer deposit money is not complete process of apply the course.
- It is our right to return the deposit/course fee or cancel course booking in case that we consider the student who book the course is not qualify to learn in the course.
Direct contact to Ms. Porntip Tananuchittikul (Kru Nok)
Mobile No | +66-818840122 |
Facebook Messenger | Yoga Ananda Chiangmai |
porntipt99@hotmail.com | |
Line ID | porntipttt |
Yoga Ananda Chiangmai Studio:
1st Floor, Hillside 3 Condominium, Nimman Haemin Road, Soi 8, T.Suthep, A.Muang, Chiangmai, Thailand 50100
Bank information
Bank information : Will be provided after confirm booking.
1. Siam Commercial Bank
Account Name | Porntip Tananuchittikul |
Bank Account no | 667-2-36026-4 |
Branch | Chiagmai University |
Account Type | Saving Account |
2. Bangkok Bank
Account Name | Porntip Tananuchittikul |
Bank Account no | 253-4-426248 |
Swift Code | BKKBTHBK |
Bank Name | Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited. |
Bank Address | 187-195 Charoenmuang Rd., Watkage, Muang, Chiangmai, 50000 |