500 Hrs : Intensive Therapy Yoga Teacher training
Asana Andiappan Yoga College and Research center, Chennai, India (International Yoga Academy)
300 Hrs : Intermediate and Advance Hatha Yoga Teacher training
Asana Andiappan Yoga College and Research center, Chennai, India (International Yoga Academy)

Kru Nok (Founder/Owner of Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai, Thailand)
Kru Nok is an inspirational and renowned Yoga Teacher in Chiang Mai – Thailand. She is famous for her unique approach of teaching yoga in different styles and adopting classes as per group's and individual's need. Apart from her teaching she has an inspirational story to share with you about how yoga evolved in her life. She fell in love with yoga because she used to have many psycho-somatic problems in past i.e. migraine, allergy, high blood pressure, rheumatism and depression etc. from young age. She recovered all by yoga practice and made her body and mind stronger than ever before.
She holds Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Master's Degree in Business Administration and Accounting (MBA & M-ACC) from renowned Chiang Mai University. She started practicing yoga from young age. While working with some multi-national NGOs and travelling to many countries for her work, she found that yoga helps her to cop up from day to day stress and keeps her focused while facing some emotional turbulences. That’s how she started taking more interest in yoga practice and developed desire to learn more. Year 2014 was a turning point in her life and career when she decided to quit her well paid job and travel to India to follow her passion for yoga where she did systematic study in ancient yogic science. From there she never looked back and hunger to know yoga in depth took her to several parts of India to explore and learn the different traditions and styles. She likes to share her knowledge and experience to help others by yoga to lead a healthy and spiritual path. She is a registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-500) from Yoga Alliance.
She is also registered teacher of the IYA (International Yoga Academe) (https://iya-asia.com/) - IYATT-2870
In year 2015 she founded her own yoga studio called 'Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai' to share the knowledge of yoga which is Registered Yoga School (RYS -200) from Yoga Alliance USA. Today she has 2 branches of her studio in different locations, she offers daily group/private classes, workshops, special therapeutic classes, pranayama, yoga nidra, shatkriyas and 200 hours yoga teacher trainings as well.
Her strength lies in her personal practice which is inspirational and motivates each student to achieve better. In spite of all odds and challenges in life she continues her practice. She teaches a blend of styles i.e. Hatha Yoga, Hatha Vinyasa, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Therapeutic Yoga and Pranayama etc.

Studied and certificates
Dec 2013
Studied for yoga teacher at the Vishwachethana Yoga Centre and she got “Yoga Teacher” certificate. She participated in “Himalaya an International Yoga Olympaid” during 27-29 Dec 2013 in Prashanti Kutiram, Bengaluru, India
Oct – Dec 2014
She went to Rishikesh, India again to attend 500 Hrs yoga teacher training course for Ashtanga yoga. She got the 500 Ashtanga Yoga teacher certificatefrom the Tattvaa Yoga Shala by Master Kamal Singh.
Apr – May 2016
Studied 500 Hrs Yoga Intensive Therapy Yoga Teacher and 300 Hrs Intermediate and Advance Hatha Yoga Teacher at Asana Andiappan Yoga College and Research Center, Chennai, Tamil Nadu , India. Certificated Accredited by Yoga alliance USA and International Yoga Academy.
15 – 28 May 2016
Backbend & Iyanga Yoga practice in Mysore, India.
JUNE 2021
30 Hours Yoga Teacher Training - Holistic Yoga Flow Course
48 Hours Pilates Reformor Teacher Training
29 May 2023: Completed 200 Hours Online Holistic Yoga Teacher Training and currently continue studying 300 Hours Teacher Training in Advance Sequencing, Breath Work, Ayurveda TTC,etc.
Learning is never ended for us
28 NOV 2023 : Completed 200 Hours Hatha Yoga/Therapy Yoga , Mysore, India
Learning is never ended for us
Other Experiences
guest teacher of “Spirit Yoga” Chiangmai during
2015 – 2016
Group teaching practice in the school at Tattvaa Yoga Shala, India. Some studio in Hanoi Viet Nam (Nov 2015) , Workshop Ashtanga Vinyasa and Advance Yoga in Phrae, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Sep 2016 : Kru Nok workshop Ashtanga at Yoga Holic Thailand, Oct 2016 : Oct 2016: Lead Teacher of 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training in Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai (1st Season) and Nov 2016 : Yoga Workshop : Arm Balance and Backbend.
Jan 2017 : Conduct 4 Workshops at the Kaivalya Yoga Shala, Ahmedabad, India 6-7 Jan 2017.
Jan 27, 2017 : Ashtanga Workshop in Yoga Ananda Chiangmai
Feb 2017 : Lead Teacher of 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training in Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai (2rd Season)
Feb 2017 : Technique of teaching skill in Ubud,Bali and Power Vinyasa workshop in Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia
Sep 2017 : Workshop at Yoga Ananda Jing Jai Market -Foundation of core and arm balance
Feb 2018 : Lead Teacher of 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training in Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai (3rd Season)
May 2018 : Private group Yoga Teacher Teaching Skill, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
12-15 May 2018 : To join "Rock Climbing Foundation" with Chiang Mai Rock Climbing Adventure.(Support skill of YOGA)
26-28 May 2018 : Fly(Arial) Teacher Training Course (FYTTC).
9th Jun 2018 : 3rd Branch Opens at Old City - "Yoga Ananda Old City"
Jun 2018 : Workshop 10-11 Jun 2018 : Yoga Ananda Jing Jai Market (Foundation/Alingment/Adjustment workshop) with Master Sharma
Jul 2018 : Yoga Fly Studio at Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai Jing Jai Market
Aug 2018 : Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series and Fusion Ananda Sun Series Postor launch by Kru NOK.
Aug 2018 : Lead Teacher of 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher Training in Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai (4th Season)
Oct 2018 : ERYT500 Accredited by Yoga Alliance USA
Jan 2019 : 5th Season International Yoga Teacher Training in Yoga Ananda Chiang Mai
Mar 2019 : Interactive Hypnotherapy Training course in KL , Malaysia
Apr 2019 : Intensive Iyengar Yoga Training, Rishikesh , India
NOV 2021 : Completed online course 30 Hrs Holistic Yoga
SEP 2022 : Completed Pilates Reformer Teacher Training Course
May 2023 : completed 200 Hours ONLINE Holistic Yoga Flow Yoga Teacher Training
May 2023 - Present : 300Hrs More Holistic Yoga flow including 50 Hrs Advance Class Sequencing,30 Hrs Breath Work Course, Ayurveda, etc.
JULY 2023 : 10-11 JULY 2023 conduct Core/Arm Balance workshop and Arial Yoga at Kaivaya Yoga Shala, Ahmedabad, India
NOV 2023 : Completed 200Hrs Hatha Yoga/Therapy Yoga (1 Month course) in Mysore, India
Currently, she is the founded and owner of “Yoga Ananda Chiangmai” (1st Branch at Nimman Haemin Road, Room110, Hillside 3 Condo and 2nd Branch is Yoga Ananda Jing Jai Market Branch ) the place to provide personal/ group training class and yoga teacher training program.
Private classes
Her some private class related with the beginner Yoga, Advance Yoga, Yoga for improve health condition, Yoga for therapheutic way, Yoga for welness, Yoga for prenatal, Yoga for kids, senior, back pain, sciatica, high blood pressure, thyroid system, Diabetis, Depression, etc .
Group classes
Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Gentle Yoga, Power Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Restorative, Yoga for health, etc.