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Upward Plank

Upward Plank (Purvottanasana) : Release fatigue with upward plank
Many people have fatigue problem in whole body, ankle, wrist… from working or yoga practice. Especially the bending forward poses. It might cause the stress or fatigue for your body but you don’t know about it. One pose that i would like to recommend to try for helping this called “Upward Plank” or in Sansakrit “Purvottanasana”.

This pose helps to strecth your whole body from toes to hands and shoulders. Moreover make you get lot of chest opening. Easy way to do is, just sit and release your both legs front. Put your hand beside your hip. Inhale deeply… then exhale , lift your body up and try to put your toes on floor and flat. Hold posture and stay there 5-10 breath. After that lay down to rest. Try it, very good for you.

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