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Shashankasana : Pose of moon or hare Pose

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Another one pose to help person who has back pain, shoulder pain. it’s Hare Pose. This pose stretches and strengthens the back muscles. Release pressure on the discs. Often nerve connections emanating from the spinal cord are sqeezed by these discs, giving rise to various forms of backache. It’s also help functioning of the adrenal glands. It tones the pelvic muscles and the sciatic nerves and beneficial for both the male and female reproductive organs. Regular practice relieves constipation.

This pose can be practiced easy. Sit in Vajrasana, bottom on feet and placing the palms on the thighs just above the knees. Relax, close eyes. Spine and head straight. Inhale, raise the arms above the head, keeping them straight and shoulder width apart. Exhale, bending the trunk forward from the hips. Keep arms and head straight and in line with the trunk. At the end of movement, the hands and forehead should rest on the floor in front of the knees. Retain the breath for up to 5 seconds and practice 3-5 rounds.

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