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What is yoga?

Many people might use to hear about “Yoga” … you will think about many positions and moving of body for excercise purposes. But actually, in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali who is the famous guru of yoga in India gives definition of Yoga that if you practice yoga, you will find that you will have “Sthiram Sukham and aasanam” it’s practicing poses you will get concentration, conciousness and happiness.

Yoga comes from sansakrit word from wording “Yuj” it’s means connect, join , union. Any person who practice yoga will get energy in body, mind and soul. Practicing yoga will combine your body and mind together. When you have mediation practice, you will concentrate on breathing for balancing your body. If you have balance body, you will get peachful in your mind. You will have creativity , improve your mind and analytical skill. You can control your mind. Try to practice yoga, your life will be changed!!!

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