Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
Hi, Good morning…. In the Delhi airport, India .. land of yoga.. i (Kru Nok) always happy to see this…sun salutation series in the airport. The india government really gives value for the yoga…
The sun Salutation series is very interesting .. i would like to tell you why we do the Sun Salutations and how great is it?
สวัสดีค่า ครูนกมาถึงประเทศอินเดียแล้
The Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
Surya Namaskar is the series of yogic postures mean salute to the sun. It finds its roots in worship of surya, the sun god. The sequence if activities and poses can be practiced as physical excercise or a complete “sadhana”which incoperates exercise postures, breathing exercise and meditation. A complete of this sequence of these poses (called asanas) is completed with two sets of twelve postures comprising of forward and backward strech of the spine and make balancing of practice.
The surya namaskar holds equal benefits for the body and intellect. Its practice results in a shapely and strong body encompassing a sharp and focused mind. Working out the routine at dawn,with controlled breathing uplifts the mood and provide invigarating start to the day. This alleviation of anxiety and stress grants a clear and alert mind that is capable of concentration and meditation which is the ultimate path to completing harmony of the spirit and the body.
You can see that there are many benefits of practicing the sun salutation, please start to love and care of yourself by start practicing yoga!!
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การไหว้ประอาทิตย์ ให้ประโยชน์ทั้งทางร่างกายแ
Credit of photo : The Indira Gandhi International Airport