Yoga Therapy

Private class for Yoga Therapy

Currently, people try to secure the pleasure with money, eating and civilization life style. Many sickness happens from workings, no resting and eating way. Many people have been choosing medicine to take care there health in case of sickness happened. Never thought about side effect because it’s very fast treatment and short term treatment.

Therapheutic Yoga or Yoga therapy is another way to help you to feel better and get stronger in your mind and body. It can be done along with modern physician treatment to make it more effectiveness and efficiency. In the same time, some people select it for their life. It’s take longer time to take care your body and mind for this type of yoga but it’s also provide you long term result.

By using breathing practice, mediation, bandhas, kriyas and asana .. all combination for specific person can be given good result for your specific problem instance of :

  1. Yoga therapy for migrane, headache, insomnia.
  2. Yoga therapy for depression, panic.
  3. Yoga therapy for gastric disorder, constipation, stomach problem
  4. Yoga therapy for obesity
  5. Yoga therapy for asthma, allergy
  6. Yoga therapy for High or Low blood pressure
  7. Yoga theraphy for disease of woman
  8. Yoga for Sciatica
  9. Yoga for thyroid, thaord.
  10. Yoga for office syndrome, neck, back , shoulders pain.
  11. Yoga for Authism.
  12. Prenatal , Postnatal Yoga, Kids yoga, Senior Yoga
  13. etc.