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Chaturanka Pose (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)


This pose called Chaturanka in Sansakrit or Four-limbed staff pose in English. It’s helps to make strong hands and shoulders and tones the abdomen.

How to?

  1. Perform Adho Mukha Svanasana, then Plank Pose.
  2. Exhale; slowly lower your torso and legs to a few inches above and parallel to the floor. There’s a tendency in this pose for the lower back to sway toward the floor and the tailbone to poke up toward the ceiling. Throughout your stay in this position, keep the tailbone firmly in place and the legs very active and turned slightly inward. Draw the pubis toward the navel. Keep the space between the shoulder blades broad. Don’t let the elbows splay out to the sides; hold them in by the sides of the torso and push them back toward the heels. Press the bases of the index fingers firmly to the floor. Lift the top of the sternum and your head to look forward.
  3. Stay in the Chaturanka 10-30 seconds.

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