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Cat stretch pose : Marjari-asana


Today the poses presented help a lot for persons who have symptom of back pain, shoulders pain, spine no streight. This pose improves flexibility of the neck, shoulders and spine. It’s gently tones the female reproductive system, giving relief from menstrul cramps and pain. It may safely practiced during pregnancy but if that person who pregnant have forceful contraction of the abdomen, should avoid practice.

Stay in Vajrasana. Raise the buttocks and stand on the knees. Lean forward and place the hands flats on the floor. The shoulders with the fingers facing forward. The hands should be in line with the knees. Arms and thighhs should be perpendicular to the floor. The knees maybe slightly seperated so that they are well alined under the hips.

Inhale : raising head and depressing the spine so that the back becomes concave. Expand the abdomen fully and fill the luncgs with the maximum amount of air. Hold the breath for 3 seconds.Exhale : While lowering the head and stretching the spine upward. Perform 5-10 rounds for this pose.

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